Give Us Rest Or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys])

Give Us Rest Or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys])

1. Requiem Aeternam Dona Eis, Domine0:54
2. Oh Great God, Give Us Rest3:27
3. Lux Aeternam Shine0:53
4. Come Find Me4:54
5. God Have Mercy (Kyrie Eleison)5:16
6. Why Me?2:15
7. Fall On Your Knees3:59
8. A Burial1:08
9. Let Me Feel You Shine4:20
10. Reprise #11:11
11. Blessedness of Everlasting Light4:19
12. The Sound of Light1:15
13. Interlude0:52
14. Sequence 12:29
15. Sequence 22:16
16. Sequence 32:19
17. Sequence 43:27
18. Sequence 53:01
19. Sequence 61:23
20. Sequence 71:39
1. Reprise #21:16
2. Oh My God2:45
3. I Am a Seed2:48
4. After All (Holy)4:36
5. The Great Amen1:18
6. There Is a Sound5:45
7. Oh, Great Love of God4:01
8. Our Communion3:56
9. Sometimes4:40
10. A Return2:19
11. Oh, My God I'm Coming Home2:43
12. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms / 'tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Medley)4:45
13. Jesus, Lead Me to Your Healing Waters4:15
14. Because He Lives4:21
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Summer Happiness (Acoustic) - EP

Summer Happiness (Acoustic) - EP

1. Alleluia, Sing4:31
2. How He Loves3:38
3. Oh, Happiness2:36
4. Shadows3:21
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Church Music

Church Music

1. Phos Hilaron (Hail Gladdening Light)2:05
2. Alleluia, Sing4:29
3. The Nearness3:54
4. Shadows3:25
5. Eastern Hymn6:26
6. SMS (Shine)3:18
7. The Veil4:19
8. We Are Loved4:16
9. All Around Me4:36
10. How He Loves5:18
11. Can I Lie Here3:30
12. Birmingham (We Are Safe)3:38
13. Church Music - Dance(!)3:51
14. What a Miracle3:40
15. Oh, Happiness3:17
16. God Almighty, None Compares6:50
17. In the End (O Resplendent Light!)6:52
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Remedy Club Tour Edition

Remedy Club Tour Edition

1. I'm Trying to Make You Sing2:48
2. The Glory of It All5:07
3. Can You Feel It?5:02
4. Everything Glorious3:35
5. ... Neverending ...3:15
6. Here Is Our King4:10
7. You Are My Joy5:52
8. We Won't Be Quiet4:24
9. Foreverandever, Etc...5:23
10. A Beautiful Collision4:30
11. Never Let Go5:36
12. Remedy5:30
13. I Saw the Light2:45
14. No One Like You4:20
15. O Praise Him (All This for a King)5:39
16. Surely We Can Change5:11
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1. The Glory of It All5:14
2. Can You Feel It?4:26
3. Everything Glorious3:47
4. Neverending2:51
5. Never Let Go4:39
6. O, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing5:08
7. Rain Down5:24
8. We Won't Be Quiet2:34
9. Remedy5:35
10. Surely We Can Change5:18
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B Collision or (B Is For Banjo), or (B Sides), or (Bill), or Perhaps More Accurately (...The Eschatology of Bluegrass) [With Bonus Track]

B Collision or (B Is For Banjo), or (B Sides), or (Bill), or Perhaps More Accurately (...The Eschatology of Bluegrass) [With Bonus Track]

1. Intro (I've Had Enough)1:05
2. A Beautiful Collision - B Variant3:56
3. Wholly Yours - B Variant4:16
4. Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven4:55
5. I Can Hear the Angels Singing / (...andeverandeverand...)5:20
6. Be Lifted (Live From Kansas)7:08
7. I Saw the Light (Live From Kansas)3:33
8. Do Not Move (Bonus Track)4:30
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A Collision Or (3 + 4 = 7)

A Collision Or (3 + 4 = 7)

1. Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven (A Walk Down Stairs)1:03
2. Come and Listen2:48
3. Here Is Our King (A Collision Album Version)3:45
4. Wholly Yours4:29
5. Foreverandever Etc...3:23
6. (A Quiet Interlude)0:47
7. A Beautiful Collision3:39
8. Soon I Will Be Done With the Troubles of the World0:47
9. Be Lifted or Hope Rising4:40
10. I Saw the Light3:46
11. O God Where Are You Now (In Pickerel Lake? Pigeon? Marquette? Mackinaw?)5:02
12. (B Quiet Interlude)2:17
13. Do Not Move5:26
14. Come Awake5:08
15. You Are My Joy5:15
16. Our Happy Home3:51
17. (Repeat / Return) Or When the Seventh Angel Sounded His Trumpet, and There Were Loud Voices in Heaven, Which Said: "The Kingdom of the World Has Become the Kingdom of Our Lord and of His Christ, and He Will Reign Foreverandever Etc..."0:10
18. We Win!3:39
19. Rescue Is Coming (B Walk Down Stairs)6:37
20. A Conversation (A Collision Album Version)2:53
21. The Lark Ascending Or (Perhaps More Accurately, I'm Trying to Make You Sing)3:22
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Sunsets & Sushi (Experiments In Spectral Deconstruction)

Sunsets & Sushi (Experiments In Spectral Deconstruction)

1. No One Like You (Thanksgiving Mix)4:24
2. O Praise Him (All This for a King) (Oceanic Mix)5:04
3. Open Skies (Dirty Beats Mix)5:06
4. Revolutionary Love (Neo-Mechanical Mix)3:38
5. How Great (Direct from Satellite City)5:10
6. Intoxicating (Pneumatic Mix)4:43
7. Deliver Me (Antidromic Mix)4:33
8. Stars (From the Mount Wilson Observatory)5:22
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The Lime CD

The Lime CD

1. Make a Joyful Noise / I Will Not Be Silent6:55
2. Every Move I Make5:32
3. Sing Like the Saved4:52
4. You Alone5:37
5. Undignified4:09
6. I Need Words / God of Wrath8:00
7. End of October2:31
8. Heaven Came Down4:19
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1. Sparks Fly0:18
2. Revolutionary Love3:59
3. O Praise Him (All This for a King)5:48
4. Skies Interlude0:28
5. Open Skies3:58
6. Intoxicating7:30
7. How Great4:03
8. No One Like You3:52
9. Reprise0:48
10. All Creatures #25:15
11. Only You4:01
12. Deliver Me4:42
13. Coming Toward2:14
14. Heaven Came Down4:13
15. Glorious Day0:27
16. Stars4:41
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Can You Hear Us?

Can You Hear Us?

1. I Need Words2:02
2. Our Love Is Loud4:46
3. You're Everything5:54
4. God of Creation4:14
5. Wonderful King6:18
6. All Creatures of Our God and King3:20
7. God of Wrath4:52
8. Obsession5:59
9. My Hope4:15
10. Thank You for Hearing Me4:48
11. Undignified (I Will Dance, I Will Sing) [Can You Hear Us]3:35
12. You Alone1:49
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All I Can Say

All I Can Say

1. All I Can Say4:31
2. He Was There5:22
3. Make a Joyful Noise - I Will Not Be Silent5:50
4. He Is the Love4:51
5. Rain Down5:45
6. Lift My Eyes4:50
7. The Color Song5:59
8. Come Thou Fount4:32
9. The Heights1:52
10. Cry Mercy8:51
11. Thank You for Hearing Me5:32
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Oh for Joy

Oh for Joy

1. Joy to the World3:00
2. The First Noel5:26
3. Go, Tell It On the Mountain4:40
4. Angels We Have Heard On High2:07
5. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel4:50
6. O Holy Night5:03
7. Silent Night6:18
8. Carol of the Bells / Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)4:13
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Give Us Rest Or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys])

Give Us Rest Or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys])

1. Requiem Aeternam Dona Eis, Domine0:54
2. Oh Great God, Give Us Rest3:27
3. Lux Aeternam Shine0:53
4. Come Find Me4:54
5. God Have Mercy (Kyrie Eleison)5:16
6. Why Me?2:15
7. Fall On Your Knees3:59
8. A Burial1:08
9. Let Me Feel You Shine4:20
10. Reprise #11:11
11. Blessedness of Everlasting Light4:19
12. The Sound of Light1:15
13. Interlude0:52
14. Sequence 12:29
15. Sequence 22:16
16. Sequence 32:19
17. Sequence 43:27
18. Sequence 53:01
19. Sequence 61:23
20. Sequence 71:39
1. Reprise #21:16
2. Oh My God2:45
3. I Am a Seed2:48
4. After All (Holy)4:36
5. The Great Amen1:18
6. There Is a Sound5:45
7. Oh, Great Love of God4:01
8. Our Communion3:56
9. Sometimes4:40
10. A Return2:19
11. Oh, My God I'm Coming Home2:43
12. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms / 'tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Medley)4:45
13. Jesus, Lead Me to Your Healing Waters4:15
14. Because He Lives4:21
Purchase on iTunes
Summer Happiness (Acoustic) - EP

Summer Happiness (Acoustic) - EP

1. Alleluia, Sing4:31
2. How He Loves3:38
3. Oh, Happiness2:36
4. Shadows3:21
Purchase on iTunes
Church Music

Church Music

1. Phos Hilaron (Hail Gladdening Light)2:05
2. Alleluia, Sing4:29
3. The Nearness3:54
4. Shadows3:25
5. Eastern Hymn6:26
6. SMS (Shine)3:18
7. The Veil4:19
8. We Are Loved4:16
9. All Around Me4:36
10. How He Loves5:18
11. Can I Lie Here3:30
12. Birmingham (We Are Safe)3:38
13. Church Music - Dance(!)3:51
14. What a Miracle3:40
15. Oh, Happiness3:17
16. God Almighty, None Compares6:50
17. In the End (O Resplendent Light!)6:52
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Remedy Club Tour Edition

Remedy Club Tour Edition

1. I'm Trying to Make You Sing2:48
2. The Glory of It All5:07
3. Can You Feel It?5:02
4. Everything Glorious3:35
5. ... Neverending ...3:15
6. Here Is Our King4:10
7. You Are My Joy5:52
8. We Won't Be Quiet4:24
9. Foreverandever, Etc...5:23
10. A Beautiful Collision4:30
11. Never Let Go5:36
12. Remedy5:30
13. I Saw the Light2:45
14. No One Like You4:20
15. O Praise Him (All This for a King)5:39
16. Surely We Can Change5:11
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1. The Glory of It All5:14
2. Can You Feel It?4:26
3. Everything Glorious3:47
4. Neverending2:51
5. Never Let Go4:39
6. O, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing5:08
7. Rain Down5:24
8. We Won't Be Quiet2:34
9. Remedy5:35
10. Surely We Can Change5:18
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B Collision or (B Is For Banjo), or (B Sides), or (Bill), or Perhaps More Accurately (...The Eschatology of Bluegrass) [With Bonus Track]

B Collision or (B Is For Banjo), or (B Sides), or (Bill), or Perhaps More Accurately (...The Eschatology of Bluegrass) [With Bonus Track]

1. Intro (I've Had Enough)1:05
2. A Beautiful Collision - B Variant3:56
3. Wholly Yours - B Variant4:16
4. Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven4:55
5. I Can Hear the Angels Singing / (...andeverandeverand...)5:20
6. Be Lifted (Live From Kansas)7:08
7. I Saw the Light (Live From Kansas)3:33
8. Do Not Move (Bonus Track)4:30
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A Collision Or (3 + 4 = 7)

A Collision Or (3 + 4 = 7)

1. Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven (A Walk Down Stairs)1:03
2. Come and Listen2:48
3. Here Is Our King (A Collision Album Version)3:45
4. Wholly Yours4:29
5. Foreverandever Etc...3:23
6. (A Quiet Interlude)0:47
7. A Beautiful Collision3:39
8. Soon I Will Be Done With the Troubles of the World0:47
9. Be Lifted or Hope Rising4:40
10. I Saw the Light3:46
11. O God Where Are You Now (In Pickerel Lake? Pigeon? Marquette? Mackinaw?)5:02
12. (B Quiet Interlude)2:17
13. Do Not Move5:26
14. Come Awake5:08
15. You Are My Joy5:15
16. Our Happy Home3:51
17. (Repeat / Return) Or When the Seventh Angel Sounded His Trumpet, and There Were Loud Voices in Heaven, Which Said: "The Kingdom of the World Has Become the Kingdom of Our Lord and of His Christ, and He Will Reign Foreverandever Etc..."0:10
18. We Win!3:39
19. Rescue Is Coming (B Walk Down Stairs)6:37
20. A Conversation (A Collision Album Version)2:53
21. The Lark Ascending Or (Perhaps More Accurately, I'm Trying to Make You Sing)3:22
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Sunsets & Sushi (Experiments In Spectral Deconstruction)

Sunsets & Sushi (Experiments In Spectral Deconstruction)

1. No One Like You (Thanksgiving Mix)4:24
2. O Praise Him (All This for a King) (Oceanic Mix)5:04
3. Open Skies (Dirty Beats Mix)5:06
4. Revolutionary Love (Neo-Mechanical Mix)3:38
5. How Great (Direct from Satellite City)5:10
6. Intoxicating (Pneumatic Mix)4:43
7. Deliver Me (Antidromic Mix)4:33
8. Stars (From the Mount Wilson Observatory)5:22
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The Lime CD

The Lime CD

1. Make a Joyful Noise / I Will Not Be Silent6:55
2. Every Move I Make5:32
3. Sing Like the Saved4:52
4. You Alone5:37
5. Undignified4:09
6. I Need Words / God of Wrath8:00
7. End of October2:31
8. Heaven Came Down4:19
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1. Sparks Fly0:18
2. Revolutionary Love3:59
3. O Praise Him (All This for a King)5:48
4. Skies Interlude0:28
5. Open Skies3:58
6. Intoxicating7:30
7. How Great4:03
8. No One Like You3:52
9. Reprise0:48
10. All Creatures #25:15
11. Only You4:01
12. Deliver Me4:42
13. Coming Toward2:14
14. Heaven Came Down4:13
15. Glorious Day0:27
16. Stars4:41
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Can You Hear Us?

Can You Hear Us?

1. I Need Words2:02
2. Our Love Is Loud4:46
3. You're Everything5:54
4. God of Creation4:14
5. Wonderful King6:18
6. All Creatures of Our God and King3:20
7. God of Wrath4:52
8. Obsession5:59
9. My Hope4:15
10. Thank You for Hearing Me4:48
11. Undignified (I Will Dance, I Will Sing) [Can You Hear Us]3:35
12. You Alone1:49
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All I Can Say

All I Can Say

1. All I Can Say4:31
2. He Was There5:22
3. Make a Joyful Noise - I Will Not Be Silent5:50
4. He Is the Love4:51
5. Rain Down5:45
6. Lift My Eyes4:50
7. The Color Song5:59
8. Come Thou Fount4:32
9. The Heights1:52
10. Cry Mercy8:51
11. Thank You for Hearing Me5:32
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Oh for Joy

Oh for Joy

1. Joy to the World3:00
2. The First Noel5:26
3. Go, Tell It On the Mountain4:40
4. Angels We Have Heard On High2:07
5. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel4:50
6. O Holy Night5:03
7. Silent Night6:18
8. Carol of the Bells / Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)4:13
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All This for a King: The Essential Collection

All This for a King: The Essential Collection

1. O Praise Him (All This for a King)5:47
2. Our Love Is Loud4:47
3. Open Skies3:57
4. Here Is Our King3:52
5. Wholly Yours4:32
6. How He Loves (Radio Version)4:04
7. You Alone5:38
8. Everything Glorious3:50
9. The Glory of It All5:15
10. SMS (Shine) [Radio Version]3:45
11. Shadows (Family Force 5 Phenomenon Remix)3:41
12. After All (Holy) [Capital Kings Remix]4:40
13. No One Like You (The Digital Age Remix)4:35
14. This I Know4:04
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Neon Steeple (Deluxe Edition)

Neon Steeple (Deluxe Edition)

1. Neon Intro0:34
2. My Beloved4:24
3. I Am4:06
4. Come Alive3:14
5. Lift Your Head Weary Sinner (Chains)3:44
6. Come As You Are4:49
7. Hands of Love5:09
8. Jesus Is Calling2:05
9. My Sweet Lord (feat. Emmylou Harris)4:02
10. This I Know4:04
11. Ain't No Grave3:42
12. You Are3:31
13. Here's My Heart6:57
14. Steeple Outro1:27
15. All This Glory4:51
16. Because He Lives (feat. Bill Gaither) [Remix]5:17
17. How He Loves (Live From Passion)5:26
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Neon Porch Extravaganza (Live) - EP

Neon Porch Extravaganza (Live) - EP

1. My Beloved (Live)5:53
2. I Am (Live)4:06
3. Lift Your Head Weary Sinner (Chains) [feat. Tedashii] [Live]4:11
4. Hold On, We're Going Home (Live)1:42
5. Come as You Are (Live)4:40
6. Hands of Love (Live)5:17
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American Prodigal (Deluxe Edition)

American Prodigal (Deluxe Edition)

1. American Intro1:33
2. Keep Me4:02
3. Run Devil Run3:26
4. My Victory4:17
5. Prove It (feat. K.B.)2:36
6. All You Burdens2:25
7. Back To the Garden4:15
8. Forgiven3:56
9. Promised Land (Glory, Hallelujah) [feat. Tedashii]4:48
10. All My Hope4:13
11. Shouting Grounds3:41
12. Shepherd4:01
13. All We Sinners4:34
14. American Outro5:11
15. Praise the Lord4:13
16. Great Rejoicing3:43
17. American I/O (feat. BT)4:59
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I Know a Ghost

I Know a Ghost

1. I Know a Ghost2:50
2. Wildfire3:14
3. Golgotha Hill (King Of Love)4:47
4. Crushing Snakes (feat. TAYA)5:01
5. Red Letters3:48
6. Let It Rain (Is There Anybody) [feat. Mandisa]3:29
7. Everyday I'm Blessed3:20
8. I'm Leaning On You (feat. Riley Clemmons)3:34
9. No Rival (feat. JR)4:26
10. Child of God2:47
11. Happy Day2:14
12. Night Like This3:15
13. La Luz (feat. Social Club Misfits)4:19
14. The Sinner's Cure4:05
15. Hundred Miles5:21
16. Ghost4:39
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I Am - Single

I Am - Single

1. I Am4:06
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Run Devil Run - Single

Run Devil Run - Single

1. Run Devil Run3:24
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My Victory - Single

My Victory - Single

1. My Victory4:16
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Back to the Garden - Single

Back to the Garden - Single

1. Back to the Garden4:15
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Great Rejoicing - Single

Great Rejoicing - Single

1. Great Rejoicing3:43
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All My Hope (feat. Tauren Wells) - Single

All My Hope (feat. Tauren Wells) - Single

1. All My Hope (feat. Tauren Wells)3:52
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Red Letters (Southern-Style Edit) - Single

Red Letters (Southern-Style Edit) - Single

1. Red Letters (Southern-Style Edit)3:42
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Testify (feat. Crowder) - Single

Testify (feat. Crowder) - Single

1. Testify (feat. Crowder)3:39
Purchase on iTunes